A video about our family

Pierce Family Adoption Registry

Monday, September 12, 2011

A week or so

Okay, so I talked with a nurse on base and there is a doctor there who is registered in the state of FL. Tyler & I both have appointments with her early next week. Today we will call and get the state registration verification process going, which usually takes about a week to finish, and then we'll meet with the doctor next week and I am hoping that we will notarize/apostille next week! I pray that this will happen! And I am hoping that our judge in Nizhny Novgorod will have our paperwork by Oct 1st!


Joseph and Kamber said...

Oh I hope things go quickly. I pray they boys make it home for Thanksgiving!

Carina said...

Two things: 1, that is awesome that things seem to be going well at the moment, and I hope it does get there by Oct 1st!

And 2, I love that you put that picture of Calvin & Hobbes. Favorite comic ever.